Économisez de l'eau.. douchez-vous avec un débardeur ami
La note est de 5.0 sur cinq étoiles sur la base de 10 avis
39,99 €Prix
-Sérigraphié à la main en Italie
-Taille unique (le mannequin mesure 175 cm)
-Cet article sera expédié le 15/08/2023
-Sérigraphié à la main en Italie
-Taille unique (le mannequin mesure 175 cm)
-Cet article sera expédié le 15/08/2023
Literally LOVE this tank top omg. I had it shipped to my friends house in Germany cuz it’s cheaper (and yes we did save water and shower together :3) but I would definitely pay the extra money to get it shipped to the US in the future!!!
One of the best tops I've ever had, absolutely not gonna lie
The print's quality is just great, very provokative, L-O-V-E IT.
Keep going guys, I'm your forever fan!
amazing fit and i love the print! very high quality over all 10/10 :)
Shirt fits well, is high quality and arrived quickly!
Crazy and sexy tank top!
Love it.
Exactly what i expected.
And the shipping and delivery were pretty fast!